Reflecting on God’s miracles

Last month I committed one area of my life to God, to pray constantly, to meditate on scripture and to let him make it a miracle. That area of my life was our finances. I had just resigned from my job so that I could focus my energies on my family. I had battled with thoughts of giving up a job in a time of high unemployment, when businesses were closing and employees being laid off. However I put aside those ‘worldly’ perspectives and put my trust in God. When I posted a blog about this I got some feedback from readers interested to know how it went and so here is the update.

After catching up with a good friend yesterday and reflecting on God’s work in my life whilst walking my dogs this morning, I realised how I had overlooked God’s work and miracles in my life in the past week. This week I received my final paycheck from my job which may have been a little worrying, however just this week my husband started acting in a higher position at his work, which means more pay that will take the pressure off my loss of income. Whilst I realised this was a good thing, for my husband’s recognition in his job, and for the extra money, I had not realised until the end of the week that God had answered my prayers and made a miracle of our financial situation.

It’s not like we won lotto or anything and this is just a temporary promotion but God has shown us here that miracles do happen, that he does answer our prayers and reward us when we show obedience to him. And so there are many lessons for us here.

1. Trust God – put aside those worldly perspectives and show obedience to God’s word in your life.
‘Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.’ Psalm 9:10 (NLT)

2. Miracles happen, perhaps more than you realise – commit your life to God, pray and meditate on his word.
‘Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord?’ Psalm 106:2 (NLT)

3. Everything works for good – he might ask us to make sacrifices but it all works out for the greater good.
‘And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.’ Romans 8:28 (NLT)

4. He provides for our needs – having lost an income, God has found a way to renew that income in my husband’s wage.
‘give us today our daily bread’ Matthew 6:11 (NIV)

5. Reflect on God’s work in your life – don’t let a day go by without looking at what God has done in it, reflect on his miracles and his presence in your life.
‘Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.’ Psalm 103:2 (NLT)

6. Praise God – Thank God for all he has done for us.
‘Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.’ Psalm 103:1 (NLT)

Having realised what God has done in our lives this week, does feel like we’ve hit the jackpot, so to speak. He has confirmed my hope and trust in him and this experience has opened my eyes to recognising the miracles in our lives, no matter how big or small, we cannot go though life unaware of the miracles taking place. This has also reignited the Spirit in my heart to being aware and trusting in God’s presence in my life and recognising his works in my life every day.

One thought on “Reflecting on God’s miracles

  1. Arlie says:

    This matter is deep and intricate which makes it very worthwhile.
    The things you talked about are perfect. They hit the issues on the spot.

    Keep on covering such matters to inform individuals.

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