Cover your husband in prayer

These days there is no ‘normal’ family picture, but our family follows the traditional sense of family. My husband assumes the leadership role, he works and provides for his family. My role is to raise the children, maintain the family home and support my husband. And the children’s role is to play and learn, and challenge their parents.

When my husband sat at the dinner table recently telling me about his problems at work, I listened to his concerns, offering him an outlet to release his frustration and feel better. However I now realise that my role as wife is not only to be a physical support in the home, but to support my husband in his inner struggles by giving my advice or opinion, and helping him to solve problems. Now this is not a strong point for me, giving advice is not something I am confident in doing, and so I will start with the best way I know how to help, and that is to pray for him.

Not that my husband has any major health issues but I pray that his body strengthen and heal to be able to handle the physical and emotional stresses it faces each day. May he have the faith to cry out to the Lord for help to restore his health (Psalm 30:2).

As the stresses of his work impact his health, I pray too for his work. I pray that he build strong and productive working relationships, experience less stress in his work, and most importantly that he enjoy the fruits of his labour, for these are gifts from God (Ecclesiastes 3:13). May he enjoy the fruits of his labour too in knowing that we appreciate his hard work in providing for the family.

To assist in reducing the stresses in my husband’s life, I pray that he build strong relationships with other men in the church as a way of finding the support he needs from a males perspective. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend (Proverbs 27:17). When we surround ourselves with good people, we feel good, and friends who help each other out become mentally sharper. So not only do I pray that he develop good relationships and find support amongst other men in the church, but that he too find joy in being a friend to others.

I often watch my husband come home from a hard day at work, exhausted, only to have the kids so happy to see him that they jump around (often on him) and verbalise their excitement at maximum volume. Whilst it’s something I experience all day every day, I can understand how overwhelming it must be to enter a noisy home where everyone wants your attention and all you want to do is sit down and relax in peace. And so I pray that the Holy Spirit empower him with the patience to be able to enjoy all the stages of childhood in the limited hours that he spends with the kids each day.

More than anything, I pray for my husband to continue to grow in faith and deepen his relationship with The Lord. May he quench his thirst and drink freely from the ‘living water’ (John 7:38) that Christ offers. Holy Spirit guide his work, his relationships, and his life so that he can be all that God intended him to be and fulfil the will of God in his life. Guide me also to be a supportive and loving wife and mother and may the love of Christ bring us closer together as a family.

In Jesus’ name I pray.

One thought on “Cover your husband in prayer

  1. Michelle says:

    Mon, you’re a champion, don’t ever underestimate your ability in God. You are running the race.!! I can only imagine the joy you bring to Our Lord. My prayer for you is that God would give you a snapshot of how awesome you are, that your weaknesses would be perfected in His almighty strength. There is a well spring deep within you and I can’t wait to see you excel in confidence as He equips u and empowers you as a woman of God. Just receive.

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